Pardon my French but I'm just shocked and mad about the result this week.
As much as I love Melissa Sandvig, I was expecting her to be eliminated this week even after her amazing contemporary piece with Ade. I strongly believe that Janette deserved to stay. I was really hoping she'd be in the finals with Jeanine Mason or Kayla Radomski.
ARGH! This sucks!
Well, I guess this season's competition is tougher than ever. I love all Top 4 female dancers - Janette, Jeanine, Melissa, Kayla. I would've loved to see Janette dance at least another week. Ack.
For the male dancers, this is another shock. Jason Glover got voted out before Evan Kasprzak. Are you fucking kidding me?!?! They're both lovable but Jason has got more talent and versatility than Evan! Don't get me wrong, I love Evan, too. But, damn, Jason deserved to be in the Final 3 more than Evan.
Brandon was in the bottom 2 this week. Ade was in the bottom 2 last week. Evan? Never been in the bottom. Are you SERIOUS?!?! Sheesh. If he wins this season, it's like Kris Allen winning over Adam Lambert once again. Back to back. Priceless.
Sheesh. I really hope Ade Obayomi and Brandon Bryant's fans will push through for them next week. I don't wanna see Evan in the finale! He doesn't deserve it!
Janette, me and Mai love you to pieces! Jason, you, too! Argh. I hope Janette signs a gig with Dancing with the Stars, like Chelsea and Lacey. I just wanna see more of Janette!
I'm crossing my fingers for Ade and Brandon. I really wish they're in the finale along with Kayla and Jeanine. Gosh.
If it was all up to me, there's just one person I want out this week:
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