Jun 10, 2012

Don't Blind Yourself to Your Own Evil

"By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are." ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship

Over the past year, after being burned by friendships I know were not good for me and my emotional health,  I have learned a lot about myself. I realized what other aspects of my personality needed some adjustment, so I can live a better, happier life towards my personal goals for my future.

A dose of happiness

One of the most important lessons I have learned is that self-righteousness is an enemy. I admit, I can be judgmental sometimes, but the part of me who believes in the good in others always wins. But, for some reason, in the past years, I have let other people's negativity affect and influence me into acting like someone I am completely not.

I've always been the person who, whenever there's a nasty thought or comment that wants to come out of my mouth about someone, I stop and reflect first if I am also guilty. And I know a lot of people who I truly wish will make that a habit.

I laugh at hypocrites who whine and complain about others' misdemeanor when they can very well be the poster child for the same kind of behavior. It's like the pot calling the kettle black. And looking back now, I feel ashamed that I let myself be surrounded by those people who seem to only feel happy about themselves by ridiculing others. Bullies.

When I decided to free myself from their negativity, I felt lighter. That is why I have no regrets about that. I used to be someone who doesn't get mad easily, and I'm hoping I can go back to how I was before. I'm getting there. I believe I'm gaining more patience and tolerance towards others' behavior. I want to focus on the positive things in life 'cause it just feels more awesome to laugh and smile than stress myself from judging others.

Like what the quote at the top of this post says, judging others can blind us to our own evil. We all are hypocrites in our own ways. But, it just feels better to stop being so self-righteous. Check yourself in the mirror before you talk smack about anyone, especially in public. Practice what you preach.

Counting others' mistake doesn't make you a saint

Image credits: Happiness

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