Aug 7, 2012

I Miss You, Sun

It's a gloomy Tuesday morning and I can't concentrate on what I'm doing because of the heavy rains and strong gusts of wind I can hear from outside. Photos upon photos of flooded areas around the Philippines is starting to scare me.

I can't remember exactly the last time when it didn't rain the whole day. I thought September will be the scariest month for me because of the memories of typhoon Pedring. I guess, because of the climate change and what is happening to our planet today, the typhoon season decided to come in early. Well, I wish that's the case because if this is just a preview, I don't think Metro Manila can take it any more.

Gloomy Weather

I miss the sun shining outside. Though I complain about the heat, I want to feel the warmth from the sun again. And I know a lot of my countrymen now wish the same - sana umaraw na po.

I was worried earlier because I thought my nanay still has to come to work amidst this threatening weather. I was relieved to find out that even most of the government offices declared no work day today, except to those who are part of disaster operations.

To everyone who are braving the weather today, especially those who are working to help our kababayan in rescue operations, thank you and I pray that you all be safe.

And to all my fellow Filipinos, let's all pray that the sun will come shining on us again very soon. If not today, very soon.

Stay safe eveyone!

Photo credit: Zihui19

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