Nov 25, 2012

Want a FREE Dota 2 Beta Key? Join My Giveaway!

I know many DotA players out there are still wishing for a free DotA 2 beta key. Here’s your chance! Dota 2 Philippines generously gave me 20 DotA 2 beta keys to give away on my blog.

Win FREE Dota 2 beta keys here!

Yes, 20 beta keys to 20 gamers! So, if you’re still not playing the game and you’re stuck with the DotA mod in Warcraft 3, playing on Garena to join gamers around the world, here’s your chance to win a free Dota 2 beta key!

The mechanics are pretty simple. To join, click here or click on the banner above.

If you’re a computer shop owner in the Philippines, you’d be glad to know that Dota 2 Philippines is actually giving away beta keys to be used for our business. To know how to get free Dota 2 beta keys for your internet cafĂ© business, click here.

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