Nov 20, 2012

Preserving those Precious Moments in the Digital World

With the speed and frequency of the technological advances we experience everyday, it's no wonder that almost everyone now knows how to use a computer and a smartphone. Everywhere you go, you'd see people taking photos or even recording videos of memorable moments in their lives - all in digital format, so they can make copies of it to share with loved ones, they can publish them on social networking sites and print them numerous times.
Back in the 1990s, when most of the momentous phases of my life were happening, we didn't have this digital imaging technology. It's one of the many innovations now that I wish we had back then because many of the photos and videos we possessed from that time are now lost from moving or ruined by the two major storms that hit this part of our country in the past years.
A high school photo that was damaged by the floodsOne of my high school photos that were damaged by the floods.
I have hundreds of photos with my friends back when I was in college that were damaged during the flood. My few class pictures from high school were not  I had more important things to salvage (my computers at my internet cafe), so it didn't even cross my mind to save those precious photos. If I had them in digital format, I could've saved them online or on my external hard drives meant for backups.
We also had this one video of our lola's funeral where you'll see many of our long-lost relatives who came just to pay their respects to her. We haven't seen them for a long while now, and I wish we still had that video tape or we had it converted to the current video formats. Not to mention the many photos I had with our grandmother that we can no longer save because it's too late to have them scanned and backed up. :(
Thankfully, there are companies that provide video conversion services now, which makes it a lot easier to save those special moments caught on your old, dusty cameras. The website Video Conversion Experts provide, not just video conversions, but they can even transform your slides and photos to DVD, but you can opt to have them converted over to Blu-ray.
One of their top services is 8mm video to dvd conversions, and they can even restore films from the 1930s to 1980s to the current DVD formats. In my opinion, it's one great service because they help preserve those important moments in our lives by making sure they're in a format that we can keep forever. :)

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