Jul 3, 2012

Maintaining a Good Online Reputation

In this digital world that we currently live in, people seem to have forgotten to think first before reacting, saying or doing anything. With a 140-character phrase or sentence on Twitter, someone can ruin another person's image or a company's reputation. Imagine how much more damage a blog article can inflict.

Tweeting revolution

Don't get me wrong. There are advantages to consider when we talk about the advancement of communication nowadays. Companies seem to be more careful with how they deal with their customers. But, there are just people or customers out there who seem to think that the company owe them the world just because they bought their product or availed of their service. And having experienced being on either side, I know how frustrating this can be to a customer and to the company.

I think that customers' disappointment can still be taken care of. What's scarier is when a competitor resorts to black propaganda to ruin your company's image, just so they can steal your customers away. This is why many companies, especially the startups that have a decent amount of money to back them up, hire individuals to take care of their online reputation management. It's no easy task as some companies can get real dirty, even to a point when they'll pay online writers to publish articles to ruin their competitor's credibility.

This is why I've chosen to be more careful with how I write reviews or how I share criticisms about a company, product or service. If the problem was really intense and I feel the need to warn people, that's when you'd see me publishing my account of what I experienced. Otherwise, I'd rather give the company or restaurant another chance before I make a judgment. Besides, my work as a Social Media Manager has helped me understand how it feels to read negative reviews about the client restaurants I handle. And I feel that this has helped me become a better blogger. :)

I will write a more detailed post about this on my geek blog.

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