Aug 31, 2012

How to Make Sushi Like a Pro

Sushi is one of our most popular dishes, and it’s no wonder. These Oriental bite-sized snacks are nutritious, tasty treats and are perfect, whether as an alternative packed lunch or as impressive canapés at a party. And what’s more, they’re really easy to make yourself! Cardiff sushi chef, Arvind Rawat, has some handy tips on how to make your own sushi.

Sushi platter

"Sushi can be raw or cooked and is always made with specially flavoured rice and nori seaweed. It's a very healthy food and very easy on the stomach. It's eaten all over the world. Sushi can be made with meat or fish, or can be vegetarian and mixed with fruits like mango, as well as crunchy little pieces like cucumber. The key to creating authentic sushi lies in the preparation of the rice."

Traditionally, sushi rice is moistened with mirin or sake but combining it with a rice vinegar mixture is fine too. Ideally, sushi is formed on a bamboo mat, but a nice shortcut is to use clingfilm on a flat surface.


Preparing the rice


  • 225g (8oz) sushi or short grain rice
  • 55ml (2fl oz) mirin, sake or rice vinegar
  • 570ml (1pt) water


  • Thoroughly rinse rice in cold water then place in a large saucepan with a lid.
  • Pour over 570ml (1pt) cold water, bring to the boil and simmer for 25 minutes or until all water is absorbed.
  • Remove from heat, cover with the lid and allow to stand for 10 minutes.
  • Tip rice on to a large flat clean metallic tray and dress with the mirin while turning frequently to help the rice cool to room temperature.


Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Sushi Roll

Ingredients (makes six to eight pieces):

  • Sushi rice
  • 50g (2oz) smoked salmon
  • Cream cheese to taste
  • One sheet of nori seaweed, toasted


  • Slice the salmon into thin strips.
  • Place the nori, shiny side down, on to a bamboo mat or clingfilm.
  • Have a small bowl of cold water nearby and dip fingers into it before spreading the rice over the seaweed with your hands, leaving 2.5cm (1in) of the seaweed bare at the top.
  • Place the salmon lengthways in the centre of the rice and smear a layer of cream cheese on top.
  • Working away from you, roll up the sushi like a swiss roll, pressing lightly with both hands.
  • Keep in a cool place until ready to serve but not in the fridge, which would dry out the rice.
  • Use a slightly damp knife to trim both ends then cut the roll into six or eight pieces.
  • Serve with wasabi and soy sauce.


Cucumber and Mango Sushi Roll

Ingredients (makes six to eight pieces):

  • Sushi rice
  • Cucumber cut into thin strips as required
  • Mango cut into strips as required
  • Five teaspoons mayonnaise
  • Three teaspoons wasabi paste
  • One sheet of nori seaweed, toasted
  • Sesame seeds


  • Lay the seaweed shiny side down on a bamboo mat or clingfilm.
  • Dip fingers in cold water and spread on the rice.
  • Smear on the mayonnaise and wasabi in a line along the centre of the rice then lay the cucumber and mango on top.
  • Roll up and cover in sesame seeds.
  • Keep in a cool place until ready to serve but not in the fridge, which would dry out the rice.
  • Use a slightly damp knife to trim both ends then cut the roll into six or eight pieces.
  • Serve with Japanese pickled ginger and soy sauce.


California sushi roll

Ingredients (makes six to eight pieces):

  • Sushi rice
  • Half an avocado sliced into thin strips
  • Two teaspoons toasted sesame seeds
  • Quarter of a cucumber cut into thin slices
  • Five teaspoons mayonnaise
  • 50g (2oz) crab meat
  • One spring onion finely sliced
  • One sheet of nori seaweed, toasted


  • Mix mayonnaise and spring onion in a bowl.
  • Place nori shiny side down on a bamboo mat or clingfilm.
  • With cold hands, spread rice over the seaweed. Sprinkle on toasted sesame seeds and press down until they stick.
  • Gently pick up the nori and flip it over so that the rice is facing the mat. (It should be sticky enough to remain intact)
  • Spread the crab, cucumber and mayonnaise on to the upturned side of the nori and gently roll so that the rice is on the outside.
  • Rest it for one minute before cutting into six to eight pieces.
  • Serve with pickled ginger and soy sauce

California Sushi Roll

If you try making your own sushi, or come up with a twist on the preparation of the dish, send us in your recipe with a name and a picture, we’d love to see what tasty treats you come up with!

If you fancy this recipe, why don’t you visit a Red Hot World Buffet near you, there are plenty across the UK!

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