Aug 29, 2012

Eating My Way to My Goal Weight

Here's yet another post about weight loss. I've been a naughty, naughty girl for the past week. Like when I was trying to quit smoking the first time, I was having difficulty to hold on and not fall off the wagon. But, I did the past week. The temptation is just so overwhelming that I gave in. And now, I feel more guilty than ever.


These are chocolates we're giving away to our food blog anniversary winners. Well, how can you not be tempted? LOL I'm on Instagram, by the way - blankpixels.

Yesterday, I was supposed to go to this event where they're going to launch a weight loss program that has been changing the lives of people everywhere - well, people who were able to afford it. Like always, I was caught up with work and an emergency project for a client, so I wasn't able to come even though I was dead set about going the other day. It was a weight loss program I was really intrigued by because of the fact that they're not going to ask you to take anything like diet pills, hcg weight loss drops, or any weight loss inducing drug. Their method is by changing the things you eat.

Thus the title of this blog post. I have read about it many times from various blogs, and one thing I know is it's based on your blood type. Upon further research, my brother and I found out that for our blood type, we should be avoiding wheat or grains like rice, but change our diet to meats. It made a lot of sense because the last time I stopped eating rice, no exercise and just drinking tea everyday, I lost a significant amount of weight. That's why I believe in it completely.

Since I cannot afford and I'm not willing to spend Php 55,000 for a weight loss program where I have to spend more money separately to shop for what they wanted me to eat, I am focusing on changing my diet. No fasting or whatsoever, but I'm completely removing rice from my diet. Well, okay, not really completely, but I'll go back to just eating the viands that my nanay cooks and avoid rice altogether. And go back to drinking tea too.

The reason why I said I'm eating my way to my goal weight, it's because I know dieting or starving myself won't work. I've done it before. I strongly believe, as I continue to read and be inspired by others who were successful, that eating the right food can heal us and can make us lose weight the right way. I've done it before, and I can do it again. I just wish I have more time to shop for ingredients for this diet though.

Right now, I'm drinking wheatgrass and I feel that it helps me. I'll have more updates about my weight loss in a few weeks. I hope by the time we go to Bohol for our planned vacation, I lost a few pounds or at least inches off my body.

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