Aug 1, 2012

Slow July, Hoping for a Productive August

It's a cold, gloomy Wednesday and it seems like tropical storm Gener has no plans of leaving the country yet. I usually love this kind of weather, but it's too depressing because of fears of a replay of typhoon Pedring. I'm just glad that I have a long list of things to accomplish that I can keep my mind off, at least for a while, the flood here our city.

The month of July seemed like forever, especially because of financial troubles I encountered. However, for some reason, it's now August and I manage to still have money in my account. I spend the end of the month checking on how much I've earned and spent the past month, and I honestly don't know how I was able to get by. And I can't be more than thankful that at the end of the day, my family can still have 2-3 meals a day.

Saving for a rainy dayYou might think I'm too extravagant for my own good. My expenses from July are not from shopping senselessly online and offline. I was able to take care of improvements in my computer shop business. I pay all our bills here, except for our water bill. I paid off the last credit card bill for my computers at my internet cafe, and I can proudly say they're now my own! :)

I also paid off my Pag-ibig and Philhealth contributions 'til the end of 2012. This August, I'll be paying for my mom's SSS contributions and mine. Aside from these, I'm looking at signing us up with a new HMO. My parents and I are not getting any younger, so it's time to take insurances for the future more seriously than ever. See, I am now thinking of rainy days that might come. Since I started working online and as a freelancer, I can no longer depend on anyone to take care of all these, so I have to do it all by myself. Well, okay, with my mom's help, of course.

Since I wanted to start seriously earning money online, I needed to buy new hosting, domains and components I'd need for the sites I'm setting up this August. I'm hoping I can get reliable people to work with me for the success of these projects. Good thing there are popular online coupons from websites I can rely on to get much needed discounts for some of my online purchases. I managed to save 1/3 off the usual prices of the domains and new hosting I bought. That's why I'm now, more than ever, a believer of sites like Coupon Codes USA that provide us with information on promos that we can take advantage of, so the money we save can be used elsewhere. :)

Keeping track of my personal finances

After working on my end-of-month report of expenses from July, I have vowed to keep my finances in-check. In fact, I have decided to revamp my blog, Pinay Online Money Maker, to also focus on managing online earnings. It can be a little tricky, especially for frequent online shoppers like me, to save our hard-earned money from our online endeavors. This is why I am taking this more earnestly now because I have big plans for my future.

Any tips on how you manage your personal finances? Please share at the comments section. :)

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