Aug 14, 2012

Taking Control of My Life

I have never been THIS busy my entire life, but I'M LOVING IT! Why? Because of everything I'm doing now (which I also happen to love!), I'm capable of providing for my family and helping my mom with the finances at home. And most importantly, I'm doing all the work at the comforts of my own bedroom. How blessed and lucky am I? :)

Turn your CAN'TS to CANS, and dreams into plans

The truth is, I don't think luck has anything to do with what I have accomplished so far. I know and I believe I have worked my butt off to get to where I am now. Like what I always say, if you're determined enough to change your situation or the quality of your life, YOU CAN. You have all the power to do it.

Sure, you can be motivated by other people and their experiences, but in the end, it all boils down on how much you want to do it for yourself. Don't wait for the tides to change. Don't fricking wait! Don't just retweet or repost motivational or inspirational quotes. TAKE ACTION! It will do wonders!

I guess this is why I never wanted to be a bum or someone who depends on others to live my life. I have always been independent, even when I was very young. I know for sure that it's because of what I've seen from my nanay - how she struggled to keep our family afloat, all the while dealing with someone who she thought she can depend on her entire married life. She is a strong woman, and I am a strong woman because I wanted to be like her - a woman who can stand on her own two feet, with my head held up high.

I have big plans for my future, and now, I'm focused on improving my overall health, so I can live longer and enjoy my life to the fullest. And that's why I'm also helping my mother deal with her health too. I want her to be with me while I take giant leaps towards my oh-so bright future. :)

Inspirational quote - Do what you can with what you have wherever you are

Oh, please visit my new blog / site dedicated to promos and giveaways - Promos for Pinoys. :)

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