Aug 21, 2012

Moving Forward

I have one flaw that I feel has held me down for the longest time - I care too much. I care to an extent where I'll decide to do things on my own just to avoid all the stress of asking people to do things for me even when it's their responsibility or their job. I got this from my Nanay. I'm not blaming her because I believe that this has drawn me into not being satisfied with mediocrity when I know I have the ability to turn things into something worthwhile.

Don't be too busy for livingIt's frustrating and tiring most of the time because I don't like pressuring people to do what they're supposed to. But, I have accepted the fact that at times, at work or even in my personal life, you have to be the bad cop just to get things done well.

It's quite lonely to think that at my age and being a single woman, I am still worrying about others. I feel like I should be focusing on my future most importantly. But, I can't really run away from responsibilities I have delegated to myself because I know there's no one else who's willing enough to take action.

I hope that in the near future, I will get that much deserved appreciation and satisfaction that when I look back to this day, I will smile and proudly say I'm the one they can always count on.

With that said though, this year, I want to start focusing on my future. MY future.

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