Sep 5, 2012

Eating Fruits Towards Weight Loss

In my quest to losing weight the healthy way (no more diet pills or starving myself), I have committed to eating healthier this time around. I have this newfound faith that food, the right kinds, should help me lose the weight permanently. And one of the additions to my diet now are fruits. In fact, last Sunday, my mom and I brought home almost a basketful of fruits from the grocery to further encourage everyone at home to eat more fruits.

Fruits are known to be nature's perfect cleansing food. With their fiber content, they can really help flush out toxins and help us burn fat in the process since our system is cleansed from all the unhealthy food intake. You might have heard of various fruit diets, but there's one fruit in particular that's getting a lot of raves from people who are planning to lose weight - African mangoes that are used to make African bush mango, a diet and weight loss supplement.

African mangoes for losing weight

Mangoes are already known for their substantial amounts of dietary fiber, and Vitamins A and C. and even Calcium. But these mangoes in particular are known to target belly fat. And according to studies, these African mangoes don't only help you lose weight, but also aid in lowering cholesterol and weight management. This is essential for those who can't seem to keep the weight off after reaching their goal weight.

To that last part, I say, once you've already taken on a habit, keep at it even if you reach your goal weight (I talk like I'm an expert eh? LOL). You can adjust your diet, but if you have been exercising before, keep doing it and make it part of your ritual. It doesn't have to be as strenuous as before, but stay at a pace you know you can continue. This is also one of the things I'm addressing now. I have days the past week that I failed to work out because I slept late or I woke up just a few minutes before work.

Motivation vs Habit

Anyway, going back to the importance of fruits in your weight loss diet, you have to take note that fruits also contain a certain amount of sugar, so we should also do it in proper moderation. Right now, I'm sticking with mangoes (there are no African mangoes here, I believe), bananas, apples, grapes and oranges. I hope this habit will continue because I already feel much better.

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