Sep 6, 2012

Enjoy Summer at Home

Though it's months past summer, the last few days were brimming with the warmth and brightness of the sun. And it's days like this that make me wish we were living at our old house where we had a huge space up front where we can setup our own inflatable pool (for adults, just to be clear), kick back and enjoy a cocktail or two. We do have a garden here at home that we've been planning on renovating into a place for entertaining house guests. It's big enough for a portable pool or we can turn it into our own terrace with a swing or a long bench.

I've always adored houses in other countries where they have a dedicated area for barbecues, their own pool area, and a patio with their choice of outdoor furniture. There are many companies that sell quality furniture, but if you want something distinctive and memorable, you should be looking at this Clark Rubber catalogue on Lasoo where you can get the latest offers and list of products from Clark Rubber. They're the top retailer of foam, rubber and outdoor products like safety gear, pool equipment, pumps and even mattresses you can use in your home, outdoors or even on your boat!

Clark Rubber Pool

Based in Sydney, Lasoo also features a wide variety of products on their online shop, so you don't have to spend time and gas when shopping because, most probably, you'd find what you need on their site and have them delivered to your doorstep.

I am saving up for a house of my own and I want to make sure that it's designed for entertaining guests as well. I'll be browsing their store for ideas soon. I miss the times when my friends come over to our home to party or just hang out. I also want to make sure that there's an outdoor area when I want to enjoy the sun at my very own backyard. :)

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