Sep 24, 2012

There's a Cure, If You Want It

I am a big fan of the show Breaking Bad. The reason behind this is because of the 'chemistry' between Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. It's undoubtedly not perfect, and their life choices are not ideal and I will never even dream or wish it on my worst enemy. What's remarkable about this is how Jesse, amidst all the chemical addiction, the temptation, all the bad luck and craziness that has happened in his life, he managed to survive and make his life better.

This is why the love and support of family and friends are most important in a drug addict's rehabilitation. Sheer will power and determination won't work since dependency to drugs like cocaine can completely alter your behavior and mindset. So, you will need outside support to push you into getting better and becoming normal again.

Jesse, in Breaking Bad, was addicted to coke. Walter didn't give up on him to help him get his life together, but eventually, it was the responsibilities of being an adult in a new relationship that made Jesse realize he needs to get his act together. He struggled through recovery, but he did it and one can only hope he'll stay off the chemicals.

With cocaine detoxification treatment, it is important for an addict in rehab who's going through the stage of withdrawal to have the right medications, health services, counseling and support (physical, emotional and mental) from experienced individuals (therapists, doctors). It's extremely difficult to get past the first stages of withdrawal because that's when the hunger or craving for more will cost a toll in one's mind and body.

That's why it's good that there are many detox centers out there that are providing this kind of support to addicts who finally want to turn their lives around. But, in the end, the will to continue on the journey towards becoming cured of the addiction falls on the addict himself/herself.

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