Oct 11, 2012

Saddle Up!

Horse riding has always seemed extremely appealing to me, ever since I was a young child when I saw the horses in the fields in a relative's neighborhood. It was common place to see horse riders pass by their window and I always looked on in awe.
My mother used to ride when she was younger. She used to explain to me about how her and her cousin would ride through the fields on beautiful summer days and how she had never felt freer.
I suppose it is one of those things that would be fairly easy to arrange, you just never get round to it. I have also had mixed feelings about the experience. After all, you are riding a wild animal and you hear some pretty bad stories about people getting hurt.
But, as horse riding is now officially on my bucket list, I have decided to try to get past my fears and really go for it. I have been researching the things you might need and it seems you can get everything at a fairly good price online as all the horse gear from Equestrian Clearance for example, comes with pretty good discounts.
Horse saddled up
All I need to do now is locate a stable, I have seen one while we were traversing the city, I just need to get up the courage to actually stop there one day and inquire about lessons. The horses they have seem really big and powerful though!
Hopefully they might have a smaller pony for me to practice on. Wish me luck!

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