Dec 21, 2012

I Miss This

Just a few minutes ago, I finished writing a short feature on our food blog. While I was typing away, I got this really good feeling that put me in a great mood. A few seconds after, I realized what that feeling was.

I miss blogging.

I remember back in 2004 when I started blogging (not here, but somewhere else), I looked forward to sitting in front of the computer, letting all the words come out of me through my fingers. Those times when I barely need a thesaurus or Google to search for the words or phrases I wanted to use. Those were the times when words will flow out of me even on days when I’m feeling uninspired. Those times when my mind and my thinking weren't this complicated. Back when I had nothing else to think about, but myself.

I need a reset.

For the past year, all I've been doing is work. I'm a self-confessed workaholic. I work real hard. I hate failing at anything, almost to a fault. Most of my married friends would sometimes ask me why I'm this serious about earning a living when I don't have my own family yet. The thing is, it feels like I do. Though at times, I'm complaining, I do like helping out my mom financially, mentally and emotionally.

My mind's restless.

I've been easily distracted even when I was in high school. But, back then, I can sit still and finish a book without my mind wandering off to somewhere far, far away. Now, I can't even stay put for a few minutes to finish one article in Reader's Digest. Pathetic.

I love reading. The sad reality is now, instead of reading books that would nurture my wild imagination, I'm stuck reading websites, blog articles and even tweets related to my work. Argh! I seriously need to rest my mind so I can be motivated again.

I’m desperate.

I thought our Bohol vacation would help me relax. Though I sincerely had a lot of fun there, I didn't completely enjoy it because I was the person assigned to organize almost everything. So, now, I'm determined to plan a solo trip or probably tag along just one person this time.

Thankfully, my holiday break starts next week. If you're thinking I'm finally getting a break I deserve, you're wrong. It's the only time I get to write for my blogs again. And, no, I'm not complaining because when I said I miss blogging a few paragraphs back, I meant it.

I miss writing product reviews.

I miss sharing my experiences in online money making.

I miss writing guides and tech reviews on blankPixels.

I miss blogging about my crazy and funny experiences on my internet café blog.

I miss sharing shopping promos I find.

I even miss designing blogs for my personal use. *sigh* I haven’t even worked on my portfolio yet.

The only blog that's been updated more often now is our food blog, Certified Foodies. Even that blog was in hiatus for a month because my bro and I were really busy. I miss taking and editing food photos. I miss writing about my dining experiences. Hopefully, with The Burp Society finally holding its first meet-up, I’ll be inspired to write more.

For my holiday break, I'm postponing my solo trip to give room to blogging again. I intend to bulk blog to prepare posts for at least a month because I'm sure, come January, I'll be busy as a bee.

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