Jul 13, 2012

Thinking Out Loud : Inspiration from Architecture

Bastille Day is coming up and it's one of the important holidays in France. One of the many reasons why I've been fascinated by anything French is because of the picturesque places in France, particularly in Paris (it's in my bucket list). Everyone would agree that the world-famous Eiffel Tower is one of the metal buildings that were created to defy or challenge architecture and engineering.

Eiffel Tower in Paris

As I browse for more information about this spectacular monument, I found out people back then were amazed by its bold structure and it was even considered built to ignore the rules of engineering. Gustave Eiffel, the engineer who spearheaded the construction and design of the Eiffel Tower, has proved that it can withstand the test of time.

This reminds me of a story my best friend told me about the landlord of the apartment she once rented in Mandaluyong City. She said she noticed that the house of the landlord was built with mostly non-combustible materials (steel bars, concrete and glass), She later found out he is a licensed architect who lost one of his family members in a fire, which in turn inspired him to build a fireproof building, which was a big advantage for everyone living there.

These stories remind me that...

  • Most of the time, we have to challenge what others may think in order to achieve something awesome and fascinating. We shouldn't let others limit what we can aim for.
  • Crazy ideas or decisions may or may not end in failure. If you don't take risks in life, you're not making the most out of what you can do and accomplish.
  • We shouldn't worry too much about force majeure. It's beyond our control. We can never tell when our last day would be. The best thing we can do is to live one day at a time, live life to the fullest and know that each mistake, heartache, and hard lesson in life would eventually lead us to a better path. Everything happens for a reason.

The weekend is again coming up. I hope you all have a good one! :)

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