Jul 15, 2012

Warm Up Without the Mess

Living in a country that enjoys tropical climate most of the year, it's natural for us here to not fully comprehend the necessity of fireplaces for those people in the USA, Canada and other places that experience winter season. That's why I don't completely understand why there are houses here in Manila that have fireplaces (well, aside from the aesthetic value perhaps). Baguio, I can understand.


I mean, considering that there are difficulties in maintaining a fire pit (its prehistoric nickname) inside the house, such as the need for wood for the fire, and making sure the chimney is good enough to vent out the smoke, plus the mess of cleaning up wood ashes after use. These are major issues. Well, not 'til electric fireplaces were introduced in the market. I think the first time I saw one was while watching Kathy Griffin's My Life on the D List.

The advantages with this innovation has outweighed the use of a conventional fireplace. It has spiked interest of many because of its practicality:

  • Portable - does not require remodeling as it can be placed inside your conventional fireplaces.
  • Convenience - non-high maintenance just need to plug, plus it’s mess-free.
  • Smoke-free – does not require a chimney, so it can be installed inside an enclosed/small room.
  • Energy-efficient – consumes energy comparable to a normal appliance we use everyday such as coffeemaker.
  • Adaptable to any color motif in terms of interior design.

If you’re thinking of upgrading your old fireplace, you should seriously consider an electric fireplace.

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